The Ultimate Guide to Cornhole Boards: Design Options and Considerations

If you are thinking of a backyard game you can play with your friends and relatives in the next gathering, the cornhole game has your back. This highly competitive sport allows you to engage with your visitors and showcase your throwing skills even if you are tipsy. However, if you want to enhance your gaming experience, you must consider the equipment, and in this case, our primary focus will be on the boards.

According to the American Cornhole Organization, there should be a standard dimension for the boards, especially those used in tournaments. The type of material used significantly affects the durability of the board and the overall gameplay. Additionally, the surface finish of the board is crucial in enhancing the aesthetics that match your needs and preferences.

The following is an ultimate guide to cornhole boards that will help you understand the design options and considerations:

Design Options and Considerations of Cornhole Boards

1. Official Board Dimensions

Cornhole boards must have standard dimensions for a fair game during tournaments. The American Cornhole Organization and American Cornhole League state that the length of the board must be four feet, a width of two feet, and a height of three to four inches.

You should place the cornhole boards at a slanting angle to create a sloping surface that allows the bag to slide nicely into the hole. It is also crucial to position the hole in a 6-inch diameter and 9 inches from the top of the board.

2. Materials for Cornhole Boards

The material used to make the board significantly impacts the gameplay, aesthetics, and durability. Plywood is a common material because it provides a smooth surface for the bag to spin and slide naturally.

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Medium-density fiberboard can be a better alternative if you want a cheaper material than plywood. It is more uniform and smoother than plywood, but you must compromise on water resistance and durability.

Plastic is another alternative for most modern cornhole boards. Unlike the traditional wooden board, these are portable, lightweight, and weather-resistant.

3. The Surface Finish

The surface of cornhole boards boosts the overall appearance, especially if it matches your needs and preferences. A plain board allows you to creatively customize designs and brands to make them more pleasing in the eyes of players and fans. Most tournament boards have a matte finish to reduce excessive slipperiness and ensure the bags stay on the board when you slide them.

Individuals who are more interested in intricate designs can try vinyl wraps. Most players prefer them applied directly to provide a professional look.

4. Portability and Weight

If you are a casual player, you must be able to carry around your cornhole board to the beach or tailgates. Plywood boards are heavy, and you will need assistance carrying them around. On the other hand, plastic cornhole boards are easy to take because they are lightweight.


The cornhole game provides a fantastic experience with family, and if you take it to professional levels, you can engage in tournaments. When buying a board for recreational or professional purposes, you must consider the official dimensions and surface finish.

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